Why the Massey Ferguson 1134 from TAFE is unmatchable!

Tractor Wallpapers

The timeless Massey Ferguson tractors from TAFE appeal to all
Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited (TAFE) has been at the forefront of farm mechanization in India for over five decades. Inspired by its philosophy of ‘Cultivating the world’, TAFE’s tractor brands – Massey Ferguson, Eicher and TAFE, are powering farms in more than 85 countries worldwide.
One of the most popular tractor brands in India, Massey Ferguson is synonymous with quality, wide product range offering relevant technology and durability.
These images of India’s Prime Ministers on Massey Ferguson tractors taken decades apart are a validation of the line about TAFE, ‘Pride of India. Friend to farmers worldwide.’

TAFE Young Achiever Awards 2016
Likewise every year, TAFE celebrated the academic achievements of talented children of its employees.
To encourage the children, many of our senior management group members attended the TAFE Young Achiever Award ceremony, where the children were recognized for their exceptional academic performance in the grade tenth and twelfth board examinations in the previous academic year. From all TAFE locations, these students were presented with the TAFE Young Achiever Awards 2016.
Join us as we congratulate these achievers, who shall one day grow up to Cultivate the World!

TAFE @Krishi Unnati Mela, 2016
TAFE – Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited’s stall at Krishi Unnati Mela, an #agricultural #exhibition held between 19-21 March 2016 at New Delhi, India, received tremendous response from visitors including the Indian Government officials and delegates, industry bodies, farmers, media and agriculture enthusiasts.
On display were the range of products from our brands #MasseyFerguson, #EicherTractors and #AgriStar. The #BigRedMachine – the #MasseyFerguson 9500 #PlanetaryPlus 4WD #tractor from #TAFE created great interest among visitors. (More pictures coming soon)
Krishi Unnati Mela – A national level #agriculture fair-cum-exhibition is organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India, at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi and was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi.
Picture Courtesy: Mahesh Yadav

TAFE shines at Field Day Potato event
“The Field Day covers all stages of the potato cultivation process as well as live demonstrations. The event presents the entire value chain of the potato ranging from topics like soil preparation, plant protection and fertilization, planting and harvesting to the potato processing industry showcased by Indian and German partners,” as quoted from the website of the organizers, DLG International.

Honoring the brave hearts at TAFE
In the past few days, against the backdrop of the #ChennaiFloods, social media has been rife with stories of loss, of courage and of compassion. Numerous instances have been stated where ordinary citizens have risen to do extraordinary acts.
At TAFE we had such ‘Heroes’ amongst us, people who took upon themselves the task of helping those who needed it the most. These were acts of compassion from one human being to another, acts of ‘Individual Social Responsibility’ and TAFE in a small ceremony at its Head Office honored these employees who acted with great courage and are an inspiration to many, making this city a better place to live.
#TAFE also put together a care package for all those employees who were affected by the flood which was packed with all the basic necessities that a family would need to begin the process of rebuilding. It is a promise that TAFE takes care of every member of its family.
Attended by TAFE Chairman and CEO, Ms. Mallika Srinivasan, members of the senior management and employees from across TAFE’s #Chennai locations, it truly was an inspiring initiative.

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