
JIPM honors TAFE Sembiam Plant with the ‘Special Award for TPM Achievement’

TAFE Sembiam Plant was honoured with the ‘Special Award for TPM Achievement’ by the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) at the 2018 TPM Awards held in Kyoto, Japan on 21st March 2019.

The Sembiam plant, in pursuit of excellence in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), expanded the scope from production process to business process by aligning all functions under the scope of TPM. The team set a target to reduce the total product cost by establishing systems that strengthen and enhance the capabilities of the production floor and by implementing environmental conservation programmes.

As a result, TAFE Sembiam reduced the total product cost to a number lesser than the set target and became the least cost manufacturer of components and aggregates among other TAFE suppliers. The team achieved 100% delivery performance and reduced the lead time and inventory by producing as and when the need arises. This was aided by the implementation of Kanban Signal from Customer to Supplier.

The TPM Awards, promoted by the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance are awarded to factories which have achieved efficiency by adopting company-wide Total Productive Maintenance.