Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited’s (TAFE) Shaik Mohammad Asif Basha K from the Centre of Excellence – Research and Development (R&D) department, presented a paper titled “Vibro-Acoustic simulation of powertrain components using a finite element technique and correlation with test data” at the 2016 Leuven Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering held in Leuven, Belgium. The paper was co-authored by V Ravindran, Principal Member – R&D (NVH)* and Nageshwar Rao P, Chief Technology Officer – R&D.
The conference provides a forum for engineers, researchers and other professionals active in the field of modelling, analysing, testing and improving the noise and vibration characteristics of mechanical systems and civil structures. The conference combines expertise in the noise and vibration fields by stressing common measurement, modelling, analysis, and control technologies.
The objective of this study was to, reduce the radiated noise of diesel engine by 2 dB (A) in the frequency range up to 3 kHz. The engine speed is in range from 800 rev/min to 2200 rev/min and to investigate design modifications that would reduce radiated noise and vibration of the engine, whilst being cost-effective to implement. Simulation and test approach demonstrated reduced radiated engine noise. The NVH *(Noise, vibration, and harshness) performance of the baseline engine was evaluated using CAE simulation tools. Radiated noise from the crankcase, tappet cover, and timing cover were predicted and the critical modes having severe effect on radiated noise levels of the engine have been identified. The modifications feasible from a manufacturing point of view were considered and analyzed. The hybrid approach used has helped in reducing noise level by 2 dB (A) with 3% increase in weight of the engine.
Congratulations to the team and wish them the best for all their future endeavours!