Mohit Thakur

TAFE collaborator AGCO uses Google Glass on shop floor
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Gadgets helping us Cultivate the World

We are living in an age where computers are tiny, fast and frugal, making them so common that literally everyone carries one in their pocket (or is holding it in their hand if you’re reading this on your phone).

Despite its immense popularity, or some might even say – necessity of gadgets in our lives, we are living in a society where, hardbound text books and newspapers still exist; not everything is on a screen. But when it comes to an organization, the question of ‘cost vs benefits’ is evaluated while adopting a new technology for conventional activities.

Tendencies to continue with existing conventions will always be high, as most employees will look at the experience from an individual’s perspective and would have to reconfigure their current method of working, which is hard wired into the brain. But when an organization decides to go mainstream, employees have to swim with the tide, which will obviously be good for them over time. And of course there are those of us who would love for changes to take place.

This preface is for the news where AGCO has adopted Google Glass for workers in its Engine assembly cell in one of their production plants in Atlanta.

You can read more about it @

Similarly, I’m sure most of us at TAFE would also be interested in knowing how other divisions in the organizations have made a switch in technology from older conventions, as we evolve in our journey of #CultivatingTheWorld.